Okie ... what is The Spoils. Its a new trading card game which I just learn yesterday with some friends of mine at Comics Mart in Midvalley. Since Im already drifted away from WOW TCG and UDE (creator of WOW TCG) also decided to stop supporting Asia community for the game, I decide to move along into The Spoils. I already got myself a booster box and with some help from my frens, I made a Banker/Arcanist Control Stall deck ... can anyone say "BOUNCE BOUNCE".
Here's the introduction of the game ...
The Spoils uses a number of mechanics in common with other collectible card games. Unlike many games of this kind, you start the game with a Faction card in play, which determines how you begin your turn and which actions you are allowed to take. These Factions have special abilities, unique to each Faction card. Currently, only one Faction is available to the public, The Tournament Faction. Special foiled versions of this card were given away at Gen Con.
Players need to amass Resource cards in order to play other cards. Certain cards are "Staple" Resources and any number of these may be played in a deck. As of yet, there have been no non-Staple Resources released. The Factions count as Staples as well, according to the bottom of the card. However, since these are set apart at the beginning of the game or whenever you shuffle your deck, the word Staple tends to refer to Resources. Most cards require between 1 and 4 of these Staple Resources in play to meet the threshold indicated by Resource icons on cards. The Resource icons come in the form of five trades.
To supplement the Staple Resources, players may play any card from their hand face down as a Resource; however, cards played face down in this manner will not count towards the Resource threshold.
Playable cards come in several types, not counting Staples: Characters, Items, Tactics, and Locations. Each of these types often have subtypes. To win the game, the opponent's Faction must be reduced to 0 influence. The Tournament Faction starts with 25 influence. The Faction's influence may be reduced by attacking it with Characters, or by using Tactics or special abilities. Characters have three stats: Strength (amount of damage the Character deals), Life (amount of damage needed to destroy the Character), and Speed (faster Characters deal their damage earlier).
There are 4 factions in The Spoils, they are Banker, Arcanist, Rogue, Warlord and Gearsmith. All are equally powerful. Here are what the actual cards looks like ...
Ill go into the details for all 4 factions another time.
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