The most annoying is that .. in all 4 rounds I met with all heroes with hp of 30, except for Raymond, which his hero is 29 hp .. LOL. I was like .. what the frag. My MVP is Angrida, I manage to use here for board control in most of my games.
Here's the decklist that I played in the FoO pre-release.
Hero: Mazar (Alliance Warlock)
1x Trogun Smith
2x Jewelcrafter Zanaz
1x Krenig Soulguard
1x Enfea Contha
1x Ryn Dreanstrider
1x Mezzik Darkspark
1x Crazy Igvand
1x Ranthus Adler
1x Savina Greysky
1x Christopher the Devout
1x Tracker Gallen
1x Lafiel
1x Thunderhead Hippogryph
1x Angrida
1x Saltwater Snapjaw
1x Defensive Breach
1x Lie in Wait
1x Incinerate
1x Immolate
1x Exhaustion
1x Explosions!
1x Fear
1x Quick Strike
1x Whitemane's Chapeau
1x Kibler's Exotic Pets
1x Leader of the Bloodscale
1x The Love Potion
1x The Ultimate Bloodsport
1x The Flawless Flame
1x To Serve Kum'isha
Thats the deck, the only regret for my deck is Whitemane's Chapeau and also I should have use another hero cuz I pull out an Unstable Affliction. What a waste.
Btw, here are some pictures from the pre-release.
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