Monday, August 6, 2007

MTG: Road to Nationals (Decktest #1)

Wsssup .. my Road to Valencia has ended sadly for me. Now ... its time for Road to Nationals. With the Nationals Qualifiers coming this August 19, 2007, its time again for me to practice my standard deck. I will be using U/B Dralnu (without Dralnu). I have been using this deck since I started back Magic one mth back. Here's (as always) my deck list.

U/B Dralnu

Lands [26]
1x Faerie Conclave
2x Desert
2x Dimir Aqueduct
5x Islands
2x Swamps
2x River of Tears
1x Urborg
2x Tolaria West
3x Dreadship Reef
4x Watery Grave
2x Urza's Factory

Creatures [8]
1x Brine Elemental
1x Tombstalker
1x Skeletal Vampire
1x Vesuvan Shapeshifter
1x Draining Whelk
3x Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir

Spells [26]
1x Tendrils of Corruption
1x Haunting Hymn
1x Careful Consideration
1x Last Gasp
1x Repeal
1x Damnation
1x Slaughter Pact
3x Mystical Teachings
3x Remove Soul
4x Spell Snare
4x Remand
4x Rune Snag
1x Dimir Signet

Tried this decklist with some frens over at Comics Corner. Mostly tested out with Rakdos deck. Sometime I win and sometimes I loss. Tombstalker is the game winner for my deck. The only thing i did not find usefulness are Brine Elemental and Vesuvan Shapeshifter. Most prolly I will replace it with more Damnation and Extirpate. I also find that the single signet is not worthy in the deck as well, im still thinking of what to replace it with ... whats on my mind is either extra Repeal or Cancel. I need all the counterspells i can get. The current meta got Nats Qualifiers, if im not mistaken .. will be Blink variants and Rakdos decks.