March of the Legion, the new expansion, should be releasing around Thanksgiving

Feast of the Wintervale is a winter-themed holiday box set, celebrating the Azeroth version of Christmas. This box set includes a Heroes of Azeroth booster, a Dark Portal booster and a Fires of Outland booster, a deck box, 10 exclusive cards, including two half-cards that are cosmetic pets for your TCG hero.

The WoW TCG should have a product line including deck boxes and sleeves releasing in November.
Magtheridon's Lair Raid Decks - January 2008
Continuing the celebrated line of the limited-edition World of Warcraft TCG Raid Decks, the new Magtheridon's Lair Raid Deck provides an entirely new dimension of the TCG. Featuring the powerful lord Magtheridon -- as seen in the World of Warcraft MMORPG -- the new Magtheridon's Lair Raid Deck allows TCG players to simulate a World of Warcraft online raid.
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