Note: There are some minor spoilers only.
Just came back home after watching Aliens vs. Predator 2: Requiem ... some ppl called it AvP:R at The Summit USJ THX cinema. Honestly .. IMHO, the movie was dissapointing from the start of the movie, the action was so-so and the storyline was bad. Each scene in the movie was so short, one scene was like around 15 secs and then it will skip to another scene and wise versa. It does not have a consisted flow. The acting was crap all the way ... its like talk for a few seconds and then action all the way. Im more into a storyline person. Another bad thing about this movie is the action, Predator .. a one man army against a dozen or more Aliens is abit impossible. The Hybrid Alien (Predalien ... thats what ppl calls it) was an all in one super alien, he or she is exactly a Predator, Alien and almost a Alien Queen when she started to lay eggs into humans. My frens calls it she-male alien. LOL.
In the movie, there are some teenagers who know how to use shotgun and machine guns where they seem to be an expert in using em ... where's the logic in that, they just go into a shop .. started grabbing those guns and starts blasting away those Aliens like they are so used to it and there this one time, a pizza delivery boy know how to give head shots with a machine gun. Lasly, the Hybrid and Predator end fight was cut short with a BOOM .. and that it .. they both just died.
The best part is the censorship board did not managed to censored all the "F" words in time. Thats was fun. Btw, dont get me wrong, the action scene has its moments, its just that the storyline which i do not enjoyed it. I would recommend, just watch it once and thats it, unless ur a fan of Aliens and Predator.
Lastly ... there will be a Aliens vs. Predator 3.
My rating:
Storyline - 4/10 stars
Action - 6/10 stars
Overall - 4/10 stars
Even the movie was not that good, I still got this from my fren ...
Its a Hybrid alien (Predalien) statue. It looks good next to my Master Chief helmet in my room.
I would agree with you about the acting. However, your complaint about people knowing how to use guns is idiotic. Any moron can use a gun. You just point and shoot its not that complicated. Especially in a rural town like that. So in the future please complain about the story and leave the rest alone. Because you clearly arent an expert.
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