Richard Garriott has always been a pioneer in PC gaming. He brought us the Ultima series which is one of my favourite titles of yester years. Now, he bring us Tabula Rasa, its a Sci-Fi MMORPG.Thanks to a friend of mine, I finally got to be a beta tester for the game. I just played a few minutes ago and im luvin every minute of it.
The game is totally different then the usual MMORPG. The controls are very easy. Mostly u will be using ur mouse during battle against the Bane, an alien race which invades Earth.
Currently im still at the boot camp and on my way to the Lunar Cave to obtain LOGOS, its a weapon (artifact skills) which is able to hurt the Bane even more.
For the graphic wise, I have to set it on low 1st cuz my graphic cant support it but when I get my hands on Ati 256 HD 2600XT DDR4 ... i bet you, everything will change for the better.
I will update on my progress during the beta test with some screenshot as well. Stay tune.
"A Fresh Start, A Clean Sweep"
Picture coutesy from www.rgtr.com
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