Saturday, September 29, 2007
Halo 3 Legendary Edition
Friday, September 28, 2007
More Halo 3 midnight sales @ GH
Halo 3 midnight sales at Gamers Hideout
Myself ... yeah !! finally got it
Potential H3 pro player
Look at the crowd !!
to be continued ...
New Heroes ... New Powers

I just finished downloading Heroes Vol.2 episode 1 and I watch is this afternoon while having my lunch. The download is around 700+mb and its around 1 hour long. Its an awesome episode, showing some new heroes with new powers and ablilties (no spoilers, no worries), alot of shocking parts that will surely make you come back for more. Well, as i said in my previous blog entry, dont wait for it .. go watch it ASAP.
Currently downloading are Smallville, Bionic Woman and Supernatural. Good stuff ahaead.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Master Chief is BACK !!!
The line was very long, all waited to get their hands on Halo 3 Limited Edition. I was like the 4th person in line and finally the game was in my hands. After that played a few games and waited till anyone got their copy, chat-chat for while and head back home.
Got back home at 11pm after having Burger King for dinner, took a shower and turn on my xbox360 and started playing multiplayer with a couple of frens. It was really fun but have to turn in around 1am due to work the nect morning.
Here's how the Halo 3 Limited Edition details ...
It comes with a black steel tin box with the Halo 3 emblem on it and also included a cover for the box, look really cool.
The game comes with 2 DVD's, Game disc and Essential disc, a manual, a reference control keys poster, an information artbook (sort-off). The Essential disc is a BONUS disc with the making of Halo 3 and some other goodies such as theme pack and gamer pics.
Here is a look at the information artbook. An again ... it looks awesome. The artbook gives u details on the characters in the game. Well .. thats all i have time for now .. have to head back to work. I will post more pictures on the event soon.
Now ... all I have to do is sit and wait for the big day which is the Halo 3 Mega Screen 300" HD event at Cineleisure Damansara.
Lastly ... many may thanks to Gamers Hideout (GH) for making this succesfully launch on Halo 3. Kudos to u guys.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Heroes Volume 2 has arrive
Friday, September 21, 2007
Richard Garriott's Tabula Rasa

Richard Garriott has always been a pioneer in PC gaming. He brought us the Ultima series which is one of my favourite titles of yester years. Now, he bring us Tabula Rasa, its a Sci-Fi MMORPG.Thanks to a friend of mine, I finally got to be a beta tester for the game. I just played a few minutes ago and im luvin every minute of it.
The game is totally different then the usual MMORPG. The controls are very easy. Mostly u will be using ur mouse during battle against the Bane, an alien race which invades Earth.
Currently im still at the boot camp and on my way to the Lunar Cave to obtain LOGOS, its a weapon (artifact skills) which is able to hurt the Bane even more.
For the graphic wise, I have to set it on low 1st cuz my graphic cant support it but when I get my hands on Ati 256 HD 2600XT DDR4 ... i bet you, everything will change for the better.
I will update on my progress during the beta test with some screenshot as well. Stay tune.
"A Fresh Start, A Clean Sweep"
Picture coutesy from
Thursday, September 20, 2007
So many games .. so little time
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Championship Gaming Series @ Malaysia

I will be joining DOA4 along side with Moot (one of our team mates). Wish us luck at CGS :)
Image source:
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
World Cyber Games Weekends
World Cyber Games entrance
Well, what should I write about. I had such a great time last weekend during the World Cyber Games (WCG) event at Midvalley Megamall. Let me recap on the event.

Team of Clan [r0r1]
This is the day that every player must collect their gamer tag before 7pm. I started my journey to Midvalley around 2pm with Mav3 and Loon4tic. Stop at Serdang KTM and it was raining heavily that day. Reach Midvalley around 3pm, after collection ... when to eat lunch (Pizza Hut) with Tris and his friends, most of them are Warcraft 3 (War3) players.
After that I met up with my [r0r1]Steno (clan leader) and also [r0r1]Sora, which both of them are Command and Conquer 3 (CnC3) players. I got the clan t-shirt on that day itself, the t-shirt looks great, nice and simple. I when back home after that.
Saturday (WCG, Day 1):
Woke up early and prepared myself for WCG. Brought along my Logitech keyboard and my Razer Copperhead mouse with Everglade Titan mouse pad. Waited for some time before the pairings and games are up. I when pass 1st round and on the 2nd round i when against my fellow team mate Sora. The match was GDI vs GDI but the victory when to him cuz I forgotten to adjust my mouse sensitivity. Overall I had great time there and was continue cheering for my team mate which when to the following round. Steno and HiredBouncer got knock out in 3rd round and top 8 respectively. As for Sora, Aidlover and AlphaAurora, all 3 proceed ahead. Aidlover and AlphaAurora pull thru to the top 3. In the end, Dogstar brings down Aidlover the the semi-finals and will be going against AlphaAurora in the finals on Day2. Congratz to Aidlover for getting 2nd Runner-up.
Sunday (WCG, Day 2):
All of the finals will be held on this day. 1st final was Starcraft, where we see the infamous JohnRambo vs. Marine, both players are using Terran and both of them are also from Mas-1 clan. JohnRambo was victorious. After that it was the match between AlphaAurora against Dogstar, AlphaAurora, a member of clan [r0r1] was controlling GDI and Dogstar was NOD. Both are good players, Dogstar was spamming infantry and rocketeers as for AlphaAurora, he was going Predator tank spam. AlphaAurora economy was much better than Dogstar. Dogstar falls short in that match with low economy and nothing he could do about it and gave AlphaAurora the win. The last match I saw was Warcraft 3 where Paulyan battle it out with Battleangel. Where Paulyan took the title yet again with his execelent micro using Humans and Battleangel using Undead. Battleangel has no base but was able to control both Death Knight and Lich till the end. Paulyan will be going to Seattle.
Thats about it. We head for Sushi King for lunch, my treat to celebrate AlphaAurora. All of us decided to watch the closing ceremony and also the award ceremony before I head back home. Took some pictures along the wat also. Enjoy ...
Sushi King - Lunch
Dogster - AlphaAurora - Aidlover
Dogstar (1st runner-up) - AlphaAurora (Champion) - Aidlover (2nd Runner-up)
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
World Cyber Games : Beyond The Game

Monday, September 3, 2007
FoO Release Celebration @ Toybox
Okie .. here's my report on the Fires of Outland Release Celebration. Hope I can remember waht I did in those match-up. As always ... im using Thatia Truthbringer (Human Paladin), dunno why all my heroes are always female .. hmmm :) Here's my decklist
Hero: Thatia Truthbringer (Human Paladin)
1 Krenig Soulguard
1 Kulvo Jadefist
1 Rodrigo2 Sal Grimstalker
1 Christopher the Devout
1 Neeka2 Josiah King
1 Parren Shadowshot
1 Marilyn of the Sacred Vows
1 Exodar Peacekeepers
1 Jewelcrafter Zanaz
1 Savina Greysky1 Miandra
3 Hammer of the Righteous
2 Guarded by the Light
1 Redemption
1 Sonic Spear1 Master Cannoneer Boots
1 Burst of Knowledge
1 Stellaris
1 To Serve Kum'isha
1 Kodo Roundup
1 Leader of the Bloodscale
1 Lost!1 Corki's Ransom
1 The Flawless Flame
Round 1 vs. Wai Hong (Ozzati - Mage)
Wai Hong using mage which he never uses it before. My allies came out non stop and my hero has Stellaris on her. Wai Hong manage to board control me at one point but Hammer of Righteous and Guarded by Light really pull me out from a jam. The ability on Thatia really is awesome, I remember using it once and it really help my hero from defeat. In the end Wai Hong's Ozzati left only 4 points of health left and he extanded his hand.
Round 2 vs. Charan (Thatia Truthbringer - Paladin)
Yup .. its a mirror match-up. I have to mulligan on my 1st turn. Not many stuff I could do cuz my allies just was not coming out. Stellaris came out and I manage to deal some damage on my opponenet but when Sonic Spear came out for Charan's pally, it was all over for me, I lost Stellaris and then I lost the game.
Round 3 vs. Fong Kai (Grumpherys - Hunter)
Yet another bad hand. Fong Kai goes 1st and completed Whats Wrong With Cenarion Thicket quest, in result for me to discard a card. His allies keep on attacking and attacking, I use Hammer of Righteous but still cant stop him. After Vindicator Borovon destroyed my Stellaris and then followed by Marilyn, Kulvo and Christopher on the next few turn acompany with Vindicator Borovon and it was all over for me. My mistake was I should have use Hammer on Righteous on Vindicator cuz it cant be prevented but I did not know that.
Round 3 vs. Jonathan (Dizdemona - Warlock)
So happy to see Dizzy again .. lol. Both of use trade life damage fast Dizzy taken more damage when my Stellaris yet again hit on board. Jonathan kill most of my allies using Angrida but the mistake was, he always activate Angrida ability during his turn. Then further into the game, Sonic Spear came out and I use it right away to kill off his allies and along the way, kill off Dilly as well. GG.
It was an overall ok match for me. Colin ended up 2nd place and I ended up 8th place and got nutting but the EA Kulvo Jadefist makes my day. Thanks to Toybox for organizing this event. Cheers.