As most of u guys who read my blog, that I started playing Magic (MTG) back again and still using my GRuul deck. Today when to Comics Corner (CCSJ) and saw a few MTG players started cracking 10th Ed. boosters cuz it just release today. I was tempted by it and I, myself crack open 7 packs, yeah .. i was that crazy LOL. I got nuttin that great in my packs except for the Adakar Waste pain land. I was happy enuff to get that.
After that, the players decided to play FNM. I was well prepared cuz my deck is with me but I was not prepared for the match. I played 3 rounds in total. 1st round, was up against a mono-red deck, lost to him cuz my creatures was not around. After that, the 2nd round, it was against Mike Toh but I got a win cuz he did not play :p. Elvis gain life deck was my 3rd round opponent, loss to him also. Guess I need more practice. Come to think of it, I might go back to control decks which Im more exprience in it. I was thinking of either building a U/B deck or a Pickles deck (mono-blue). I have not really decided yet.
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